Join Our Team

NatAlliance Securities is seeking qualified financial industry professionals across the country for both our Capital Markets and Investment Banking Groups. The most desired candidates would have substantial experience within the financial services industry and would have worked during various economic and market cycles.  In particular, these individuals should possess solid industry markets knowledge from serving within analytical, marketing, trading, and/or operations capacities in past positions.

Candidates seeking sales positions should understand the unique needs of institutional investors and either worked in a prior marketing role at a broker-dealer that served their needs or internally within an asset management firm or a similar department at a financial institution.

Traders should have experience trading and/or brokering positions in fixed income securities through a trading desk or managing a portfolio for a financial institution, asset management firm, or proprietary trading group.

Bankers should have a business development mindset and be willing to leverage their industry relationships to build deal pipeline and distribution.

NatAlliance Securities maintains offices from coast to coast, but would be willing to add new branches as opportunities present themselves. Qualified professionals may be asked to open new offices based on their knowledge of an area and/or their personal experiences with clients within close proximity.

NatAlliance Securities offers a comprehensive benefits package and provides state-of-the-art technological and communications equipment to aid its employees in performing their tasks. Our professionals access financial information and stay current on economic and other global developments primarily through Bloomberg terminals and other firm-provided data retrieval services.  We maintain a high-end clearing arrangement with Hilltop Securities.

If interested, please fill out the below form and a team member will contact you.

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